FAN FAVORITE AWARDS – Back when we started the show not only did the organizers run around in the very early Sunday am hours finalizing judging on “best of show” games, we also counted lots of paper ballots on fan favorites. As we grew, we turned over the best of show to a group of professional judges that still spend almost all weekend judging the collector games and our fan awards faded into various global events covered by social media channels. With last year’s show survey’s, we brought back a couple of fan favorite categories for TPF. The categories include:
• Most Creative Booth
• Favorite New Game
• Best Mods
• Best Seminar
Special thanks to our presenters:
Rusty, Shelly and Tobi Nunnelee
Crystal Waddy, Britney Parker and Abby Evans
Stephen & Leslie Brown
Lisa and Sophia with visitFrisco.com
If you haven’t seen the awards it’s a quick 3 min on YouTube here