Come visit with Dwight Sullivan and Brian Eddy throughout the show and catch up on the Development of D&D at Saturday Nights Stern Seminar.
Brian R. Eddy is an American game designer and programmer, best known for designing Attack From Mars pinball for Midway and programming FunHouse and, with Larry DeMar, The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot. While at Williams Electronics / Midway Games, he also designed Medieval Madness, and recently lead Design and concepts for Stern’s Stranger things, The Mandalorian and Venom. Outside of pinball he’s also responsible as the project lead for the ever popular artic thunder, …. We will find some space if you want to bring one!
Dwight Sullivan is primarily known for slinging code with great rule sets. His history in pinball started in 1990, at Williams, followed by Bally, and Stern Pinball, where he currently works. Games include Stern’s Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Ghostbusters, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Terminator 2, and WHO Dunnit. “I am really looking forward to TPF. I love seeing all the people I don’t get to see very often. Also, it is a great time for me to see all the games that STERN doesn’t make.”