T-Shirt Re-Threads

TPF Guys and Gals – Introducing Re-Threads, our new vintage merch catalog.  Go back in time… well maybe not that far back.  Visit the Texas Pinball Festival website store for “Brilliant True to Life Color” for 2 of our popular prior show designs: Kosmic Khaos 2018, and 3D 2023.  These shirts also offer a new softer material in most styles and come in a variety of colors.  There are even styles with pockets, tie-dyed, bowling, and several women’s cuts.  Ever wanted a TPF shirt in safety green?  We’ve got you covered!  You’ll have an option of shipping them direct to you or picking them up at the 2024 show.  We may also do a pop-up in the Frisco area in October where you can pick-up show orders early.

Visit the Store for details.

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